Since August, we have been continuously moving on up with our construction progress, and we can’t wait to show you the finished product!
Fortunately, we can update you on our current construction progress! Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical installation are still ongoing, but they have been moving up to floors two and three. Masonry has finished the last major section of the building, and windows are being installed in the courtyard. Even more, unit drywall has been completed on the 2nd floor south and west wings! With painters finishing priming and cabinets and doors arriving for the first floor, Lilac Station is coming to life.
There is still construction to be completed, but we are working hard to open in 2023! We’re happy to share all the details with you, so come back in October to find out more about our construction progress!
Follow us on our socials to see pictures and other information about Lilac Station!
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